June 06, 2011

Rose in Spain

This countryside has been so beautiful, day after day. It´s all bending together into one beautiful memory.

Wonderful pilgrims on the road and in the albergues.

Early morning walks in open fields and farmlands with birds singing with cows and horses grazing. Hours outside days after days.

We have all gotten along so well, each finding our own rhythm and strengths along the way. Funning stories, long days on the road.

Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts....we got them!!! Love, Rose

one more day to Santiago

Tomorrow we will walk to Santiago. Only 10 miles! Now that we are at the end of our walk 15 or 17 miles seem easy to walk. we have seen beautiful magical country sides and we have met people from all over.

Best of all for me was watching nadal play the french open in Spain with Spanish people cheering. Great fun.

Tomorrow hopefully half my sins will be forgiven. See you soon.

Gail alias, Sally, alias Gabriella

Santiago on the horizon

Tomorrow morning we will be arriving at Santiago having completed our journey from Leon. The pace has been intense and our feet are quite sore but our spirits are high from the beauty and energy of this magical land.... We have all gained weight, even as we walk an average 20 miles per day, as the food is fantastic.

Lots of love and Blessings,
Manny & Cristina

May 31, 2011

Largos dias

Hola a todos,

Aquí estamos en Villafranca del Bierzo, es precioso..... Han sido unos días un poco largos y curiosos, la salida de León fue muy larga y un poco pesada ya que es mucho andar por asfalto y polígonos industriales, paradas de cervezitas y patatas, mas cervezitas y aceitunas, que rico!!!!

Ya en Hospital de Orbigo decidimos que al siguiente día, taxi con mochilas y mas ligeritos, alguna lesión de rodilla, unas cuantas ampollas y quemaduras solares, algunos cogimos un taxi que nos llevo a Astorga (preciosa ciudad) y otros decidieron caminar hasta la misma y disfrutar del paisaje, allí comimos todos juntos y continuamos hasta El Ganso en taxi.

Interesante pueblito rustico, como me acuerdo del Valle..... Algunas lesiones de ampollas se pusieron mas feas, tormentón de los buenos por la noche (menos mal que estábamos ya refugiados, jajaja) y al día siguiente una etapa relamente bonita por toda la Maragatería hasta llegar Molinaseca, mochilas también con el taxi. Muy cómodo el Albergue y muy agradables....

Hoy hemos cogido un autobús hasta Ponferrada y la hemos visitado, lo mas interesante el Castillo de los Templarios y la exposición de libros antiguos que tienen, alucinante...... Algunos hemos seguido en autobús hasta Villafranca y otros han disfrutado de los viñedos que nos acercan ya a tierras de Galicia.

No sabemos cuando volveremos a tener Internet pero, cuando así sea ,haremos otro relato corto.

Quiero agradecer a todos los albergues su hospitalidad, Albergue de Las Carbajalas en León, San Miguel en Hospital de Orbigo, Sta Marina en Molinaseca y La piedra en Villafranca del Bierzo.

También saludos a toda la gente que hemos ido conociendo y que nos han ido acompañando en esta aventura que solo acaba de comenzar.

Hasta pronto y Buen Camino!!!!

Hello everyone,

Sorry for not being able to post earlier. The days just fly as we get up before 6:00am and we go on non-stop till bed time and there has been almost no internet access once we arrive at the Albergues. We have had great weather and the Camino has been spectacular. We have had a couple of 11 hour walk days!

The food, history and the architecture is magnificent!


May 24, 2011

El Camino de Santiago

Since my trip trough southern India 5 years ago I have wanted to recreate and share the magical and mystical energy that was so prominent in my journey. That magic stills affects my daily life since it was through a friendship made in India that I ultimately met Cristina and my life was transformed.

Cristina and I have been discussing the many amazing places to visit and experience that have held special importance for spiritual seekers through out time. That has let us to create the Butterfly Journey Retreats as a way to unite with like minded folks and continue to expand our awareness and move into places of perceived limitations.

El Camino, which predates Christian era and its magical energy, became the ideal place for our 1st Yoga Center retreat. In two days, nine of us will become pilgrims and embark on a 193 miles walk across northern Spain.

In many ways our pilgrimage began months ago as we have been in our own way preparing the logistics, and getting ready for the physical and mental challenges that will come before us.

We will walk as a united group, yet each one of us will have our own unique challenges. We invite Grace to lead and clear the path for us as we welcome the gifts that are to unfold.



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